What can cause poor TV reception?

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With streaming services seemingly absorbing every aspect of television other than live events, it can become all the more frustrating for aerial users when they encounter poor reception issues – especially for sporting events.

And while it would be great if we could just give our TVs a cartoonish whack to improve the signal, reception issues don’t tend to be as simple as media portrayals. We’ve broken down the main factors that can cause poor TV reception, and what you can do to fix these problems.


Although it may seem obvious, distance from a signal’s source can cause poor reception. As these signal sources are typically found in big cities, you’ll find reception issues scale with your distance from the city. Typically, if you’re 70 miles out from the nearest source, your signal strength will suffer.

Naturally, your solution here would be to move closer to the source or to bring the source closer to you. But this likely isn’t feasible, as very few people are going to abandon their country home for an inner-city flat just for a stronger TV signal.

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With moving house ruled out, your next best bet consists of helping the signal path. Distance contributes to connection issues, but it’s everything in between that is really hindering the signal. Think of every tree, hill or building that stands between you and the broadcast tower, and your connectivity issues suddenly make a lot more sense.

Your best option is to raise your aerial higher up, either on top of your roof or on an entirely separate tower. We’ve included some of the noteworthy legal aspects here.

Although you can install an aerial yourself, we recommend seeking professional installation. You can find help with TV aerial installation Tewkesbury online, through websites such as https://steveunettaerials.co.uk/our-services/aerial-services/tv-aerial-repair/tv-aerial-repair-tewkesbury/.

If you’re in the city, it’s more likely that your signal issues are stemming from a faulty or outdated aerial, as opposed to too many buildings interfering – otherwise, everyone would have signal problems! In this instance, your best option is to seek aerial repair or replacement.

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