After the horrors of the Great War no one was in any mood ro things to be dull and lifeless. There was a spirit of can do and a desire to create beautiful things and revel in the joys of life. This gave rise to the period known as “the Roaring twenties”. Rich people and what was left of the British gentry had the time and independent means to go wild and enjoy themselves doing dance craze’s like the Charleston and dressing elegantly. For the rest of us, a life of work and long hours were not much different than before the war.
However, the idea that art could be brought into how the home looks was one influence that did spread throughout society. You can see it alive and well today in the Vintage Style Sofa range that is available from vintagesofawarehouse. Designers were determined to breathe new life into the homes of everyone and the modern and futuristic designs that were used emphasised this belief.
This was certainly true in furniture, especially the use of wood and even the new miracle material plastic or bakelite as it was known. Radio sets, the height of modernity, were soon fashioned in this style more than any other item. It was also there in silverware with particular attention made to mirrors and ornaments. The style uses lots of sharp lines, the triangle shape or a repeating oval pattern, but there are many other examples. It makes for a very beautiful look.
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